Worship God
Nurture one another
Help those in need
Show our faith by the example of our lives
Holy Trinity, Churchville claims a long, proud and well-documented history. Founded in 1867, our roots in Harford County are deep. We are proud of our church, both the small Gothic Revival building, and the community who have built, loved and shared that building during the past 157 (2024) years of serving Our Lord. More on our history is here.
Our small, close-knit congregation prides itself in being welcoming and supportive. We worship, celebrate, sing, eat, and study together in sharing the workload and reaching out to one another. As is common among Episcopalians, many of our events involve sharing food. Coffee Hour follows both Sunday services, and it is an important time for fellowship and meeting.
Our services are traditional plus they are family-friendly and not formal or stuffy. Music is featured at our 10 a.m. service, with organ and a choir. A Children’s Service is held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. The Sacrament of Healing is part of the service the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Outreach is a high priority at Holy Trinity; nearly every parishioner is involved in some way. We collect and support a food pantry. We also provide clothing and gifts for families in need at the holidays and the beginning of the school year. Holy Trinity supports an apartment for transitional housing through our work with Harford Family House. Our Praying Hands group provides prayer shawls and caps to hospitals and individuals. We’re exploring new ways to provide meals to those in need – within our church family and the county.
Our church and parish hall are also called home to the Beautiful Church (Korean Presbyterian congregation) and several community groups – from Do-Re-Wee (a music program for toddlers), 4-H and Girl Scouts, to a bridge club, Scrapbookers, Lower Crossroads Stitchers, and others.
The Episcopal Church is open and welcoming of the LGBTQ+ community, we at Holy Trinity are serving Christ and welcoming all who enter our doors!